[comptoir 418] Fwd: [rrg] Tutorials on Future Internet

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Thu Sep 17 16:53:15 CEST 2009

Dear friends et CafeduCompères;

Ceci semble être un travail belge de haute qualité au sujet du future de
l'Internet. Bonne revue !
This seems to be an excellet belgium work about the future of the Internet.
Happy review !

NB. l'IRTF est le pôle chercheurs, l'IETF est le pôle ingénieurs, l'IUCG est
le pôle utilisateurs, l'IESG le pôle organisateurs et l'IAB le pôle
penseurs. La mission de l'IETF est de mieux faire marcher l'Internet, celle
de l'IUCG d'aider à le mieux utiliser.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Olivier Bonaventure <Olivier.Bonaventure at uclouvain.be>
Date: 2009/9/16
Subject: [rrg] Tutorials on Future Internet
To: RRG <rrg at irtf.org>


There have been lots of discussion in RRG concerning issues related to
the future Internet architecture. During the last week of August, we
organised in the framework of the Trilogy project a summer school
dedicated to this topic. The scientific program contained both poster
sessions and long tutorials by renowned experts :

Paul Francis (MPI-SWS) - Dirty-slate approaches to scaling global
Internet routing
Lars Eggert (Nokia) - Standardization Activities in the IETF/IRTF
Janardhan Iyengar (Franklin & Marshall College) - Rethinking Transport
Bruno Quoitin (UCL) & Cristel Pelsser (IIJ) - Realistic interdomain
routing simulations with C-BGP and Igen
Bob Briscoe (BT-Network Research Center) - Practical Microeconomics and
Internet Resource Sharing Protocols
Olivier Bonaventure (UCL) - Scaling the Internet with the
Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP)
Mathieu Lacage (INRIA) - Network experimentation and simulation with ns-3
Timothy Griffin (Cambridge University) - From Semirings to Metarouting
Dimitri Papadimitriou (Alcatel-Lucent) - Compact Routing: Challenges,
Perspectives, and Beyond

All these presentations were recorded and we are happy to announce that
they are now available from  :


Best regards,

Olivier Bonaventure

http://inl.info.ucl.ac.be , UCLouvain, Belgium
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rrg at irtf.org
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